Alexander Bazaev: the Lipetsk region is interesting to new investors — SEZ Lipetsk
#News of SEZ

Alexander Bazaev: the Lipetsk region is interesting to new investors

On the air of the program "Yes, but" (Portal "LipetskMedia") the director of the regional Investment Development Agency told about the new realities in relationship with the business, import substitution problems and the content of the investment portfolio of the Lipetsk region.

Realities in which the Lipetsk region found itself under the influence of international sanctions, stimulated representatives of business, the staff of the Investment Development Agency, the SEZ "Lipetsk" to look for ways to solve many problematic situations. For example, building new logistics for the supply of raw materials or components for enterprises. As Alexander Bazaev said, at first it was not easy for everyone. But authorities and businesses quickly accumulated their resources to get answers to difficult questions.

- Within a short time, the existing enterprises were able to build both new logistics chains and find substitute components that they need, already within the Russian market. We have quite a few examples, when representatives of companies, in particular, of the SEZ "Lipetsk", traveled beyond the Urals, searched for the components they needed at old Soviet enterprises, got acquainted with the production facilities. As a result, it turned out that they are able to produce products of the quality that meets the requirements of European standards, - said Alexander Bazaev.

Another direction, which had to be quickly mastered, is re-building in the direction of business from Russia, as well as from those countries, which previously were rare partners of the Lipetsk region.

- We help as much as possible those companies that are still operating today. As for new projects, the investment portfolio is reoriented to the domestic Russian market, Asian countries, also we are looking for business in Africa, India and Iran. At the moment we have about 50 potential projects in the pipeline. 80% of them are Russian companies that are ready to expand and fill the vacated niches. The remaining 20% are from China, India, Malaysia and Vietnam, - said Alexander Bazaev.

In addition, high business activity of the Lipetsk region at of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum has become an incentive for the attention of new investors. Now companies which signed agreements with the region at the international Economic Forum in St. Petersburg are localizing their business here. The outcome of such partnership should be investments of 30 billion rubles. Specialists of the Investment Development Agency are currently preparing proposals for them to build production facilities on the territory of the region.